Radio Storm - Manhwa

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Sak suffers every day as he attends 'the School,' a research facility examining 'possessors of the Core,' or persons who have acquired exceptional talents. And that is the source of his anguish. Then one day, a plague unlike any other strikes outside of 'the School,' and soon after infecting them. The disease makes the affected to attack people mercilessly. Sak is terrified as he approaches the sick victim. Sak trembles in terror as he confronts the infected victim.

These are the physical copies of the Radio Storm manhwa.

• TITLE : Radio Storm | 라디오 스톰
• PUBLISHER : 디앤씨웹툰비즈
• LANGUAGE : Korean
• READING AGE : 19+ years, from customers

• Vol.1
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2023-03-10
- ISBN13 : 9791167770738
- ISBN10 : 1167770730
- PAGE : 336p
• Vol.2
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2023-03-10
- ISBN13 : 9791167770745
- ISBN10 : 1167770749
- PAGE : 348p
• Vol.3
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2023-03-10
- ISBN13 : 9791167770752
- ISBN10 : 1167770757
- PAGE : 312p
• Vol.4
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2023-03-10
- ISBN13 : 9791167770769
- ISBN10 : 1167770765
- PAGE : 384p
• Limited Edition Set
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2023-03-10
- ISBN13 : 9791167770776
- ISBN10 : 1167770773
- PAGE : 1380p

배송 시간

국내 (한국) 배송
- Korea Post: 1-2 영업일.

국제 배송
- 익스프레스 (FedEx, DHL): 영업일 기준 2-5일
- 표준: 영업일 기준 7-15일

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Radio Storm - Manhwa
$17.90 USD