GIFT - EP [靑春, Fantasy]

$12.00 USD $17.14 USD

GIFT - EP [靑春, Fantasy]

The youth I've seen was filled with melancholy, yet even that seemed beautiful.
This is our first album since we've all turned 30.
It’s only after reaching our thirties that we’ve been able to truly convey the stories we want to tell.
Lately, we've been contemplating our place a lot.
Where do we stand at this age in our lives?
Our position in the current scene, our economic status compared to other thirty-somethings, and things like that.
We met as a gift and have been making music together for over seven years, and although we've been facing the same concerns all this time, it always feels like we're just getting started.
Even amidst these uncertain and anxious times, every time we meet and face our instruments, playing together, we feel each other become more defined.
Each time, even though we've been playing music for a decade now, we approach our craft with the feeling and mindset of just beginning, which makes us believe we can keep going further.
Regardless of our age or position, we'll continue to ponder and restart this cycle over and over again.
We hope this album can be an encouragement to everyone who is starting something new.

• TITLE : Fantasy
• RELEASE DATE : 2024-04-16
• LABEL : ㈜밴드기프트
• SKU : MBMC2175
• BARCODE : 8809966901077

• CONTENTS (Each album includes)
- 1CD

1. 내최애는송태섭이다
2. Stay The Same
3. Light
4. 난 너에게
5. 청춘 Fantasy
6. 청춘예찬
7. Sixteen

배송 시간

국내 (한국) 배송
- Korea Post: 1-2 영업일.

국제 배송
- 익스프레스 (FedEx, DHL): 영업일 기준 2-5일
- 표준: 영업일 기준 7-15일

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GIFT - EP [靑春, Fantasy]
$12.00 USD$17.14 USD