Electric Jam Tribe - 1st EP [Cross the Echoway]

$9.63 USD $12.04 USD

Electric Jam Tribe is a band created for people of this era to form a 'tribe-like' community, allowing them to express whatever they wish to play or sing. The first EP, Cross the Echoway, is a solo project by Jo Ik-hyun of Electric Jam Tribe, aiming to convey the emotions and wounds an individual may feel amidst the chaos of the city.

1. Studio1
2. Cheesy Radio
3. Metroline Divers
4. 화상
5. Homework

배송 기간

국내(한국) 배송
- 우체국 택배: 1-2 영업일

국제 배송
- 익스프레스 (FedEx, DHL): 2-5 영업일
- 일반 배송: 7-15 영업일

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Electric Jam Tribe - 1st EP [Cross the Echoway]
$9.63 USD$12.04 USD