A Killer Paradox - Manhwa

$25.80 USD $36.90 USD

“Mister, haven't you ever done something that deserves death?” Is he a serial killer or a superhero?

▶ Premiering as an 8-part series on Netflix on February 9, 2024!

First volume of the 'Little Rain Death Trilogy', "A Killer Paradox" Collector's hardcover, complete single volume (combined 3 volumes)

The protagonist, Itang, an ordinary college student who can be seen everywhere, accidentally kills a troublesome customer with a hammer during a night shift at a convenience store. Tormented by guilt and fear of the murder, Itang one day learns that the man he killed was a serial killer who “deserved to die”. Gradually, he realizes he has a supernatural ability to identify such “deserving” individuals. He becomes something of a dark hero, executing those people…

Despite his name suggesting otherwise, Detective Nangam, who has a ‘good nose’, instinctively smells a murderer on Itang and starts an investigation centered around him. However, some 'invisible force' prevents him from getting to the truth. As people continue to die, there is nothing Detective Nangam can do. And then, another serial killer appears before the troubled detective…

Songchun believes himself to be a dark hero. With excellent information gathering skills and instincts from his days as a former police officer, Songchun seeks and executes those he deems “deserving”. Unfortunately, he lacks the instinctive discernment ability that Itang has, so he tries to find and kill his targets before Itang can.

Thriller, drama, foreshadowing and twists upon twists… 660 pages of perfect storytelling

“What if the person I killed turns out to be a serial killer I would have wanted dead? Can this murder be justified? If I had such power, would I use it?” As unexpected events connect and the situation reverses time and again, good and evil swap places. Conventional beliefs about justice are shaken. An overwhelming immersion that makes one read it in one sitting."

• TITLE : A Killer Paradox ( Hardcover Ver.) | 살인자o난감
• AUTHOR : 꼬마비
• PUBLISHER : 글의온도
• LANGUAGE : Korean

- PUBLICATION DATE : 2024-01-05
- ISBN13 : 9791192005317
- ISBN10 : 1192005317
- PAGE : 660p

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A Killer Paradox - Manhwa
$25.80 USD$36.90 USD