Punch Drunk Love - Manhwa
"Punch Drunk Love" is a romance that unfolds between Seonwoo, who is unpretentious and doesn't care about other people's opinions, and Taemoon, who is sophisticated and meticulous about self-care. At first glance, it may seem like they could never get involved with each other, but Seonwoo gradually starts to see Taemoon's past scars and the pain of his childhood, hidden behind the mask he wears. With the unique comedic elements of the two authors and the development of emotions between the characters within the story, this work provides an engaging experience for readers without feeling too heavy.
• TITLE : Punch Drunk Love | 펀치 드렁크 러브
• AUTHOR : 모스카레토 글/옥동 그림
• PUBLISHER : blackD
• LANGUAGE : Korean
• READING AGE : 19+ years, from customers
• PUBLICATION DATE : 2022-12-02
• Vol.1
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2022-12-02
- ISBN13 : 9791192674117
- ISBN10 : 1192674111
- PAGE : 296p
• Vol.2
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2022-12-02
- ISBN13 : 9791192674124
- ISBN10 : 119267412X
- PAGE : 300p
• Season1 Special Package
- PUBLICATION DATE : 2022-12-02
- ISBN13 : 9791192674278
- ISBN10 : 1192674278
- PAGE : 596p
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