$34.20 USD $46.30 USD
Ausverkauft -26%

Only in NCT ZONE!

Explore a wide range of photo & video concepts

Only here, exclusively in the NCT ZONE, can you freely enjoy a variety of concept photos and videos!

This package features exclusive images shot specifically for NCT ZONE. Included in the coupon card are various benefits that can be used within NCT ZONE.

Also, look for the special gift SP card, which you have a 5% chance of finding inside the coupon card package!

• CONTENTS (Each album includes)
- Package Box
- Sticker Pack : 1ea
- Coupon Card : 1ea
- Special Gift : 1ea
- Photocards : 20ea


Inlandsversand (Korea)
- Korea Post: 1-2 Werktage.

Internationaler Versand
- Express (FedEx, DHL): 2-5 Werktage
- Standard: 7-15 Werktage

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