Dept - [Goodbye 2024] Platform Album Ver.

$12.06 USD $15.07 USD

• CONTENTS (Each album includes)
- Album Case
- Mini Card (QR Type) : 1ea
- Polaroid Photocard : Random (1 out of 3)
- Calendar Cards : 12ea
- Post Cards : Random (2 out of 4)
- Folded Poster : 1ea
- Memo Pad : 1ea

1. Voyage (Feat. Sonny Zero)
2. Sun and Moon
3. Right Here (Feat. Pat Kiloran)
4. 고흐의 밤 (Feat. Ashley Alisha)
5. Tomorrow (Feat. Claire Young)
6. Waiting Game (Feat. Kelsey Kuan)
7. Strawberry (Feat. 16)
8. Strawberry Dream (Feat. Yedira)
9. Sweet Word (Feat. John White)
10. Lilac (Feat. EJEAN)
11. Forest (Feat. Claire Young)
12. Green
13. When It Rains (Feat. 16)
14. Strawberry Champagne
15. Your Eyes (Feat. Claire Young)
16. Gift (Feat. Kelsey Kuan)
17. Crazy For You (Feat. Kelsey Kuan, Sonny Zero)
18. Legend of the Fall (Feat. Pat Kiloran)
19. 시간을 달리는 소녀 (Feat. tabehiro)
20. 항해 (Album Only)


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- Korea Post: 1-2 Werktage.

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- Express (FedEx, DHL): 2-5 Werktage
- Standard: 7-15 Werktage

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Dept - [Goodbye 2024] Platform Album Ver.
$12.06 USD$15.07 USD